Simple 4 Bedroom Contemporary House in 3584 Sqft with Free Plan

Stunning 04 Bedroom Simple Contemporary Home Free Plan

This outstanding simple contemporary home consists of 4 bedroom and 2.5 baths including a study and living area towards the front and kitchen cum dining area at the rear opening to porch. The outer spaces include a loft balcony and a grill deck cum sun deck. 

Plan at a glance

Total area: 3584 Sq/ft
Number of Bedrooms: 04.
Number of bathrooms: 2.5 baths
Number of Floors: 02 with 02 garages

Living Room

Total area is 3584 sq/ft with 1722 sq/ft space for first floor, 1862 sq/ft for ground floor and 433 Sq/ft garage. 
Dining hall cum porch

Elevation Plans


Floor Plans

 This plan is ideal for mid sized young families

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